Scan this QR-coded T-Shirt: Shameless Trump screeches in, spots the first car, slaps cash to the owner down like it’s a Happy Meal grab! “These your kids? I’m buying them too,” to the stunned mom. He barks, no shame, no second to waste. Peels out, kids waving, laugh track howling—Trumpster chaos at warp speed. He grins, "Best trade ever", rushing off, zero chill, pure brazen hustle. Wear it, scan it, snicker—Trump’s crew snags it all, shamelessly fast!
The 100% cotton unisex classic tee will help you land a more structured look. It sits nicely, maintains sharp lines around the edges, and goes perfectly with layered streetwear outfits. Plus, it's extra trendy now!
- 100% cotton
- Dark Heather is 50% cotton, 50% polyester
- Fabric weight: 5.0–5.3 oz/yd² (170-180 g/m²)
- Open-end yarn
- Tubular fabric
- Taped neck and shoulders
- Double seam at sleeves and bottom hem
- Blank product sourced from Honduras, Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Bangladesh, Mexico