First Date Farts
Scan the QR code and unleash a love song gone hilariously off the rails, where "first date farts" twirl in the singer’s gut like a nervous tango. She’s dodging a wet disaster—spoiler: it’s not romance—while Mama’s sage advice (“Don’t shit!”) battles her date’s freaky fetish (“Please shit!”). He’s mistaking her rumbles for seduction, even planting his hand on her ass as she prays not to “blow her mud.” By the end, he’s staring into her eyes, begging for a scat-tastic finale, and she’s smitten with this weirdo. A flatulent fairy tale that’s equal parts cringe and comedy gold! You will find here an hilarious and surprising product to wear or offer for a first date. Your partner may not have a sense of humor, but at least you do!