Scan this QR-coded T-Shirt: A wild Trump tweet booms ‘I’m back, bitches!’—louder than a foghorn on a trampoline! Crowd cheers like it’s free taco day! It’s a comeback so epic, your laundry folds itself in awe. Wear it, scan it, watch your cat salute the chaos. Friends laugh, foes flee, the king’s back with a screaming fan club, baby! Troll the room—return of the loudmouth supreme, crowd-approved!
The 100% cotton unisex classic tee will help you land a more structured look. It sits nicely, maintains sharp lines around the edges, and goes perfectly with layered streetwear outfits. Plus, it's extra trendy now!
- 100% cotton
- Sport Grey is 90% cotton, 10% polyester
- Ash Grey is 99% cotton, 1% polyester
- Fabric weight: 5.0–5.3 oz/yd² (170-180 g/m²)
- Open-end yarn
- Tubular fabric
- Taped neck and shoulders
- Double seam at sleeves and bottom hem
- Blank product sourced from Honduras, Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Bangladesh, Mexico